Conference participation

The Panorama of Research in Slavic Studies in the 21st Century

Cvijeta Pavlović and Ana Šverko are participating in an interdisciplinary international conference marking the 50th anniversary of Slavic studies at the University of Silesia in Katowice, titled ”The Panorama of Research and Studies in Slavic Studies in the 21st Century‟ (Panorama badań i studiów slawistycznych XXI wieku), which will take place on October 10 and 11.

Cvijeta Pavlović's presentation is the result of work on the HRZZ project TraveloguesDalmatia, co-funded by the institutional project of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb (Classicism in Croatia), while Ana Šverko's presentation stems from her work on the project Art and Architecture of Urban Settings in Croatia at the Institute of Art History.

The program of the conference can be found at the following link.

Contact: Ana Šverko
