Lina Šojat
Head of the Library
P. +385 1 6112 745
E. lsojat /
B. CRORIS profile
Lina Šojat graduated in 2012 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Departments of Information Science (Librarianship) and Polish langugage and Literature. Since 2017, she has been working at the Library and Archival Unit at the Institute of Art History as a Head Libraran.
She is a member of the Zagrebačko knjižničarsko društvo (Library Association from Zagreb), Croatian Reading Association, ICARUS Hrvatska (International Centre for Archival Research), International Literacy Association and Hrvatska udruga za znanstvenu komunikaciju – ZNAK.
Research interests: preservation and presentation of cultural heritage, copyright, information literacy, scholarly publishing, digital archives and repositories, open access (OA).