Scientific projects

HRZZ project

Architecture and Housing Culture in Zagreb in the Period 1880–1940

Pricipal Investigator: Irena Kraševac, PhD

15. 1. 2024.
Institutional project

Digital network, spatial and (con)textual analysis of artistic phenomena and heritage of the 20th century

Project leader: Sanja Horvatinčić, PhD

1. 12. 2023.
Institutional project

From local to regional. The Art of Adriatic Croatia from the Middle Ages to the 19th century

Project leader: Darka Bilić, PhD

1. 12. 2023.
Institutional project

Phenomena of Croatian artistic modernity

Project leader: Ivana Mance Cipek, PhD

1. 12. 2023.
Institutional project

Art and Architecture of Urban Settings in Croatia

Project leader: Matko Matija Marušić, PhD

1. 12. 2023.
Bilateral project

Architectural Encounters of Croatia and Hungary: Modalities of Professional Knowledge Exchange, 1990–1945

Voditeljica projekta (HR): dr. sc. Tamara Bjažić Klarin

8. 2. 2022.
HRZZ project

Ekspozicija. Themes and Aspects of Croatian Photography from the 19th Century until Today

Principal investigator: Sandra Križić Roban, Ph.D.

1. 2. 2020.
hrzz project

Eugene of Savoy (1663–1736) and Fortress-Towns on the South-Eastern Border of the Hapsburg Monarchy

Principal investigator: Katarina Horvat-Levaj, PhD

11. 1. 2019.