Access to information

Information Officer

Ana Ćurić, professional associate


The right of access to information, in accordance with the provisions of the Right of Access to Information Act (NN 25/13, 85/15, 69/22), includes the right of every domestic or foreign natural and legal person to seek and obtain information, as well as the obligation of the Institute of Art History to provide access to the requested information.

Information is a written, drawn, pictorial, printed, recorded, magnetic, optical, electronic or other record of data about an individual object that constitutes a substantive whole, held in the possession, at disposal or under the supervision of the Institute of Art History.

The Institute of Art History holds information derived from the scope of its work. The Institute implements its scientific research program as a public scientific institute owned by the Republic of Croatia, in accordance with the Act on Scientific Activity and Higher Education. The provisions of the Act on Institutions apply to the internal organization and management of the Institute.

The Institute's primary activities comprise scientific and applied research in the field of art history and respective interdisciplinary fields related to art history, library and documentation services, publishing activity, participation in the process of higher education, scientific training and adult education. The scope of activities of the Institute include: research of the Croatian artistic heritage and its scientific-theoretical interpretation through the implementation of national and international scientific projects, processing and systemizing art-historical material, publishing research results, production, gathering and scientific processing of architectural and photographic documentation, development of an appropriate information system and production of studies, surveys and expertise.

Restrictions on the right of access to information

Public authorities may restrict access to information in the following cases:

  • if the information is classified by degree of secrecy, in accordance with the act governing the secrecy of data;
  • if the information is protected by the act governing the area of ​​personal data protection;
  • if the information is in the process of being produced and its publication prior to the production of complete and final information could seriously impair the decision-making process;
  • if access to information is restricted in accordance with international treaties, as well as in other cases defined by law;
  • if there are grounds for suspecting that its publication would: prevent the effective, independent and impartial conduct of judicial, administrative or other legally regulated proceedings, enforce a court decision or sentence, impede the work of bodies performing administrative control, inspection or legality infringement of intellectual property rights, except in case of written consent of the author or owner.