IIIF u Hrvatskoj
U programu online godišnje konferencije IIIF konzorcija (International Image Interoperability Framework) u četvrtak 24. lipnja 2021. godine s početkom u 13:00 sati (po lokalnom vremenu) održat će se panel razgovor s nekolicinom stručnjaka iz različitih područja o dosadašnjim iskustvima i mogućim scenarijima za daljnji razvoj IIIF zajednice u Hrvatskoj.
U panelu koji se održava uz podršku DARIAH-HR i ICARUS Hrvatska sudjeluju Koraljka Kuzman Šlogar, Vlatka Lemić, Goran Zlodi, Marijana Tomić, Benedikt Perak, Eva Cetinić, Željko Trbušić i Kristijan Crnković, a moderira ga Irena Šimić.
Snimka panela dostupna je na IIIF Youtube kanalu.
Regional IIIF event in Croatia will gather different profile of experts based in science, education and cultural heritage institutions and will be supported by DARIAH-HR and ICARUS-HR national coordinators. Aim of the event is to give broad overview of current experience of using IIIF protocols, tools and APIs throughout some of the repositories and projects established in recent years. Leaning on the previous engagement in processes of building interoperable communities in Croatia, panel participants will share their understanding of the importance of IIIF and will outline the possible future scenarios for advocating the growth of IIIF community in Croatia. Application and use of IIIF will be discussed through examples as the Glagolitic heritage transliteration projects or deep machine learning methods based on collections of digitized images. The topic will also address the current national program “e-Kultura”, that is focused on digitization of culture heritage in GLAM sector, expanding the multi-year efforts in the digital transformation of heritage institutions in Croatia.
Program konferencije moguće je pratiti besplatno online putem sustava Whova, uz obaveznu prethodnu registraciju putem platforme Eventbrite. Rok za registraciju je 15. lipnja 2021. godine.
Više informacija o IIIF konzorciju ovdje.
Kontakt: Irena Šimić